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Commercial buildings such as shopping malls, supermarkets, offices, and retail stores need to operate as efficiently as possible - Visitors and customers should be offered a pleasant ambience that invites them to stay. Additionally, the technical requirements must also be right in order to keep running costs as low as possible.

In addition to aesthetic and economic requirements, cooling lines, heating and cooling systems, sprinkler piping systems and drinking water applications for commercial buildings must also comply with applicable safety regulations. A difficult balancing act - but one that aquatherm solutions master with flying colours. Our products are perfectly adapted to the special requirements of commercial buildings and commercially used buildings, and can also be individually adapted to your wishes.

Areas of application

Possible applications for aquatherm products in commercial buildings

Surface heating & cooling
Fire protection and sprinkler systems
Drinking water

Impressive customer projects in the field of commercial buildings

With a selection of our customer projects, we would like to show you how diverse the application possibilities of aquatherm solutions are in the commercial sector.

Innovative design, feel-good character and state-of-the-art building technology: "mikado" combines these three factors. The building complex with modern office landscapes is the new architectural eye-catcher in Friedrichshafen, and immediately reveals that a special concept has been implemented here - both outside and inside.

The clients and planners of the three-part building complex - the married couple Sandra Gramm, architect, and Ingo Gramm, owner of Gramm GmbH & Co. KG, a company for metal facades and roofs - have realised a lifelong dream with "mikado". As an architect, Sandra Gramm and various tenants have found new office space on over 4000 square metres in building sections 1 and 2. Building section 3 is currently being constructed and will be inaugurated at the end of 2022. It will feature around 4000 square metres of space, 1500 square metres of which is office space.

To the case study

Living, living, working - this is what the "BayWa-Areal Zwanzig Zwanzig" in Ludwigsburg combines. Over the past four years, the residential construction company Strenger has transformed the former BayWa AG company site into a modern urban quarter.

Five residential buildings with a total of 113 flats and two office buildings have been built in Ludwigsburg's Weststadt. The name of the quarter links the history of the international energy, agricultural and construction company, BayWa, with the completion date of the residential complex in 2020. A neighbourhood square separates the residential buildings from the commercial areas, where service providers and start-ups have settled. For companies, the advantages of the area are obvious: logistically, it convinces with its good connections to Ludwigsburg's main railway station, the city centre and the motorway; the well thought-out architectural concept is not only sustainable and resource-saving, but also captivates with its architecture.

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