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BRE global verified

Environmental product declarations are important - for the construction industry and therefore, for us and our customers. To download our EPDs, please fill in the form below. 
Website visitors from the USA are kindly requested to contact our North American office directly: Get Local Support from Aquatherm Dealers | Aquatherm PP-R Piping

aquatherm EPD certificates request

To produce safe and innovative piping systems - that is the lived promise of aquatherm. Only tested products then start their journey to our customers worldwide. Numerous national and international neutral authorities and institutions confirm the high aquatherm quality standard.

  1. ISO 9001
  2. ISO 50001
  3. ISO 14001

  1. aquatherm green: Austria_OENORM B5014 Zertifikat green pipe 08-2014 (publication)
  2. aquatherm green: Austria_OENORM-Reg aquatherm green pipe S_12-2013 (publication)
  3. aquatherm green: Austria_OEVGW-Zertifikat green pipe S W1110
  4. aquatherm green: Austria_OEVGW-Zertifikat green pipe SDR7,4MF W 1382
  5. aquatherm green: Austria_ÜA-Nr R-15.2.1-21-17204 (green pipe S+MF)
  6. aquatherm green: Austria_ÜA-Nr R-15.2.1-21-17205+6 (green pipe fittings)
  7. aquatherm red: Austria-_IBS-aquatherm-red-pipe



  1. aquatherm green: Australia_SAI-Global-green-pipe-SDR74MFSDR9MF-RP_WMKA02437
  2. aquatherm green: Australia_SAI-Global-green-pipe-S-WMKA02437
  3. aquatherm red: Australia SAI-Global red pipe SMKP20464.4

aquatherm red: Belarus_certificate red pipe


aquatherm black: Belgium_BCCA-black-system


  1. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: BiH_ZIK-CERTIFICATES green+blue pipe S-MF-MF-RP
  2. aquatherm red: BiH_ZIK Certificate red pipe

  1. aquatherm green: Bulgaria_NIISM certificates green pipe SDR7,4MF+SDR9MF-RP
  2. aquatherm green: Bulgaria_NISI_certificate_green_pipe_fittings
  3. aquatherm green: Bulgaria_NISI certificates green pipe S

aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Chile_CESMEC certificates green+blue_issued


  1. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: China_CCS Approval green+blue pipes
  2. China_Hygiene_Licence_fittings_07-2026.pdf
  3. China_Hygiene_Licence_pipe_07-2026.pdf

  1. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm red:Croatia_CRS-TA green_blue_red
  2. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm orange / aquatherm black: Croatia_ZIK-certificates-greenblueblackorange

aquatherm red: Czech-Republic_ZUS-certificate-red-pipe


  1. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green/aquqtherm red: UK_LR-TA green+blue+red
  2. aquatherm green: UK_WRAS-cert-fitting-1706524
  3. aquatherm green: UK_WRAS-green-pipe-S-SDR74-MF-SDR9-MF-RP-1708512
  4. aquatherm red: UK_LPCB-Approval-aquatherm-red-pipe-C684a-04

  1. aquatherm green: France_ACS 21MAT LY 023_aquatherm green pipe SDR9MF-RP
  2. aquatherm green: France_CSTB certificate 178-2301_V1 green pipe SDR9MF-RP
  3. aquatherm green: France_ACS certificate pipes + fittings
  4. aquatherm green: France_CSTB certificate 178-2118_V1 green pipe SDR6S
  5. aquatherm green: France_CSTB certificate 178-2119_V1 green pipe SDR11S
  6. aquatherm green: France_CSTB certificate 178-2301_V1 green pipe SDR9MF-RP_01-2026
  7. aquatherm blue: France_CSTB certificate 178-2312_V1 blue pipe MF RP-MF RP OT_30-11-2026
  8. aquatherm blue: France_CSTB certificate 178-2313_V1 blue pipe MF -MF OT
  9. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm red: France_BV Mode II Recognition 09-2025 + TA green blue red


  1. aquatherm green: Germany_aquatherm green pipe SDR7,4MF_SKZ A314+A616 (e,d)
  2. aquatherm green: Germany_aquatherm green pipe SDR9MF-RP_SKZ A644+A632 (e,d)
  3. aquatherm green: Germany_aquatherm green pipe SDRxS_SKZ A175+A723 (e,d)
  4. aquatherm green: Germany_DVGW-aquatherm-green-pipe-SDR6S-DW-8501AS2120DW-8501AU2224
  5. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm red: GermanyNorway_DNV-GL-TA-green-blue-red-86069-96HH
  6. aquatherm blue: Germany_aquatherm blue pipe SDR11+SDR17,6MF-RP_SKZ A818 (e,d)
  7. aquatherm red: Germany_VdS-Certificate-red-pipe
  8. aquatherm orange: Germany_SKZ A403_orange pipe PE-RT(e,d)




  1. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Hungary_aquatherm_20-CPR-2-C
  2. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Hungary_aquatherm-NME-green pipe-blue pipe
  3. aquatherm green: Hungary AQUATHERM-20-CPR-2-green pipe S+MF+MF-RP_2013 (publication)
  4. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Hungary_BKFH-drinking-water-approval
  5. aquatherm orange / aquatherm grey: Hungary_aquatherm-NMÉ-orangegrey-pipe

aquatherm green: Israel_SII certificate


  1. aquatherm green: Italy_IIP aquatherm green pipe SDR7,4MF+SDR9MF-RP_Cert.n°1743+45-Rev.2
  2. aquatherm green: Italy_IIP green pipe S certificates
  3. aquatherm blue: Italy_IIP aquatherm blue pipe SDR7,4MF+SDR11MF_ Cert.n°1744-Rev.2
  4. aquatherm blue: Italy_IIP aquatherm blue pipe SDR9MF-RP+SDR11MF-RP_ Cert.n°2156+57-Rev.0
  5. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm red: Italy_RINA TA aquatherm green+blue+red pipes

aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm red: Korea_KRS-TA-green_blue_red-pipe


  1. aquatherm green: NZ_BRANZ-539-aquatherm-green-SMFMF-RP
  2. NZ_BRANZ_708_aquatherm_flexi_PE-RT_10-2017__publication_.pdf
  3. aquatherm red: NZ-AON-red-pipe-certificate-4681_001

  1. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green/aquatherm red: GermanyNorway_DNV-GL-TA-green-blue-red-86069-96HH
  2. aquatherm green: Norway_NIPH-approval-green-pipe
  3. aquatherm green: Norway_SINTEF-cert-no-3344-green-pipe-SDR9MF-RP

  1. aquatherm green: Poland_ITB-Technical-Approval-green-pipe-SDR74MFSDR9MF-RP
  2. aquatherm blue: Poland_ITB-Technical-Approval-blue-pipe-ITB-KOT
  3. aquatherm red: Poland_CNBOP_red-pipe

aquatherm green: Portugal_TMP-053-2017-green-pipe-S


aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Romania_AT PPR 3689-green+blue pipe


  1. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Russia_GOST-certificates
  2. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Russia-RMRS-TA-greenblue
  3. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue: Russia_RRR_PPP certificate aquatherm
  4. aquatherm red: Russia_GOST-certificates red
  5. aquatherm red: Russia-VNIIPO-red-pipe-certificate

  1. aquatherm green: Sweden_KIWA-Swedcert-TA-0924-green-pipe-SDR74MF
  2. aquatherm red: Sweden_SBSC-certificate-red-pipe-no-14-430

aquatherm red: Switzerland_VKF-approval-red-pipe


  1. aquatherm green: Spain_AENOR certificate green pipe MF 001-006504+0006505
  2. aquatherm green: Spain_AENOR-certificate-green-pipe-S-001-006507006506006508
  3. aquatherm green: Spain_AENOR-certificate-green-pipe-SDR9MF-RP-001-006656006661
  4. aquatherm blue: Spain_AENOR-certificate-blue-pipe-MF-001-006503
  5. aquatherm blue: Spain_AENOR certificate blue pipe MF-RP 001-007294+95
  6. aquatherm blue: Spain_AENOR certificate blue pipe MF-RP OT 001-007345
  7. aquatherm red: Spain_DIT-617R-19-aquatherm-red-pipe-S5-SDR-11-BIES
  8. aquatherm red: Spain_DIT-618R-19-aquatherm-red-pipe-S5-SDR-11-Rociadores
  9. aquatherm red: Spain_DIT-592R-19-aquatherm-red-pipe-S32-SDR-74-BIES
  10. aquatherm red: Spain_DIT-526R-19-aquatherm-red-pipe-S32-SDR-74-Rociadores


  1. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm black: Ukraine_SEPRO certificates green+blue+black
  2. aquatherm green / aquatherm blue / aquatherm red: Ukraine_SRU-TA-greenbluered
  3. aquatherm red: Ukraine-SCC-Certificate-red-pipe

  1. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_ABS-PDATA
  2. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_ESR-1014 Final Report
  3. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_IAPMO-UMC-6022
  4. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_IAPMO-UPC-5053
  5. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_NSF-51-certificate
  6. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_NSF-EPD-certificate
  7. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_NSF14_61_358_Certificate-03850
  8. aquatherm blue/aquatherm green: USA_PMG-1014 Final Report

Website visitors from the USA are kindly requested to contact our North American office directly: Get Local Support from Aquatherm Dealers | Aquatherm PP-R Piping

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